Welcome to Wild Home, where I'll help you create a unique, organized and peaceful space while you go on your WILD adventures.




Meet the Founder

Hi there! It's Tessa, the founder of Wild Home. I started this venture living at my parents house where anytime I would opened a closet or a cabinet, life would get a bit more complicated. I started organizing everything that was wild (think… can’t get a pan out of the cabinet, or a spatula out of the drawer). I am a firm believer your space is energy and if that space is cluttered, then you too will feel cluttered. I want to help you live an organized and calm life where your space is a santucary where you want to keep opening the cabinets or your closet because they look so damn good. If you're here, I have a feeling that you share that sentiment too.


“Two months in our space is just as organized as the day Tessa left. She combined her expertise with our lifestyle to create a truly sustainable system. Refreshing on every level!”

— Kaitlyn H. (EVP, Live Nation)

“It’s really hard to dive into organizing…but when you finally make the decision, it’s so nice to have that appointment/commitment with Wild Home. If it’s getting rid of clothes, to have Tessa with her knowledge of fashion, style and honesty, it helps so much on wether to keep or throw out. It really can be a fun experience. Tessa is also relentless to get the job done and have the end result nothing short of impressive and functional.”

—Gina C. (Retired, Loan Officer)

“I didnt realize how unfunctional my space was until I worked with Tessa. I used to dread opening my closet and picking out an outfit, and now I feel like I can breathe when I am in my space thanks to her. She left me with very practical and easily maintable solutions to my once disorganized home.”

— Garrett B. (Merch. Director, Nordstrom)

Book a Consultation

We’ll review your wild space, prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.